World War II Resources

By Mr. Finley's College Prep United States History Students and Student Teacher, Mrs. Luce

Purpose: This project enables students to study aspects of WWII in depth, allowing them a multidimensional perspective of the events that took place. This project also provides students with the opportunity to practice and refine their research and documentation skills; these skills will serve students well as they advance in their education.

Summary: In groups, students researched specific aspects of WWII, such as causes of the war, theatres of the war, the Holocaust, and mobilizing the Homefront. Each group gathered a variety of primary and secondary sources pertaining to their topic, and using MLA format, students organized the gathered sources into a bibliography. For each source that is referenced, there is an accompanying annotation; each annotation provides a summary of the source and evaluates whether it provides factual information or an interpretation of events. Each group compiled its bibliographic information into a class web page. 

Content Area: History

Content Standards: Historical Inquiry, Analysis, and Interpretation

Rubric: To see our rubric click here.


Causes of WWII
Europe at War
Asia at War/Atomic Bomb
Leaders of WWII
Mobilizing the Homefront
Social Change
The Holocaust