World Languages Department

Mr. Gin, Department Chair French  
Mrs. Sanchez Spanish  
Ms. Irish Spanish  

At all levels, students are expected to limit the use of English.

French I

French I emphasizes the acquisition and comprehension of French vocabulary and eventually speaking, reading, writing, and grammar. Active participation is part of the course. This involves learning through movements, acting out skits and storytelling.

French II

French II will be a continuation of the techniques used in French I, incorporating grammar and expanding vocabulary. Students will do more speaking, reading, and writing in French. The majority of the class is taught in French. Students will continue to learn through stories.

French III

French III stresses the development of the students' ability to use vocabulary, idioms and grammatical structures to communicate a sequence of ideas. Written and oral skills are further developed using stories, readings, compositions, and pictures to provoke communication. Short stories and reading are introduced. Varied conversational topics are introduced to promote active discussions in French. Students will continue to learn through stories. Students are expected to try to use French as much as possible.

French IV

French IV will continue the techniques used in French III. Students will discuss and write about readings, stories, pictures, and other authentic French materials. Emphasis will be placed on speaking, creative writing and working with French materials. Students will continue to learn through stories. Students are expected to use French in class.

German flag German

At all levels students are expected to limit the use of English.

German I

Students will learn the basic sentence patterns through movement, dialogues, videos, storytelling and technology.. Students will learn vocabulary for long-term memory through gestures, by listening to and seeing stories acted out, and by re-telling the story with partners and to the class. Students will read short articles and short stories. Student participation is very important. Students will first learn through listening and comprehension activities and will gradually speak and write.

German II

Students will continue to learn through storytelling, music, and technology. They will learn grammar through stories, articles, dialogues. Students will act out scenes, stories, folk tales and legends. They will also engage in paired speaking activities.

German III

Students will continue to learn through storytelling, music, and technology. Students will read and discuss the main ideas and themes of short stories, tales, legends, magazine articles, etc. They will also continue to engage in speaking activities.

German IV

Students will continue to learn through storytelling, music, and technology. Students will discuss and write about the current topics culled from foreign language sources on the Internet, stories, poems, and short books. Students will discuss and write about these themes in German.

Spanish flag Spanish

At all levels, students are expected to limit the use of English.

Spanish I

Spanish I will be taught mainly in Spanish, emphasizing comprehension through movement. Participation in class is expected. Emphasis will be on communication first listening skills and then speaking. Storytelling techniques will be employed as well. Grammar will be taught through the stories.

Spanish II

Spanish II will be a continuation of the techniques used in Spanish I, incorporating essential grammar. Students will be expected to do more reading, writing, and speaking in the Spanish language. Students will continue to learn through storytelling.

Spanish III

Spanish III is for students who have completed two years of high school Spanish in good standing. Equal emphasis is placed on reading, writing, and speaking. An introduction to Spanish literature will be included.

Spanish IV

Spanish IV is for students who have completed three years of high school Spanish in good standing. It consists of a fast paced review of Spanish grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary, with an emphasis on oral communication. Following this initial review, the classes will study advanced grammar and Spanish culture through the reading of Spanish literature. Textbook: Galería de Arte y Vida

Spanish V

Spanish V is for students who have completed four years of high school Spanish in good standing. It consists of a grammer and literature review. There is an emphasis on speaking and communication in Spanish. Textbook: Tesoro Literario

Spanish AP

AP Spanish is an in-depth study of Spanish literature, culture, and advanced grammar for students seeking advanced placement at the college level. Textbook: Tesoro Literario